The Path to Transition
We have experience transitioning clients to our firm from our previous acquisitions. You can trust your clients will be communicated with and welcomed into our family of clients from the first moments of transition.
Step 1: Client Communication
We will work closely with you to develop and implement a client communication plan. An introductory letter will be sent to all clients notifying them of the transition and reassuring them of little change. We will schedule introductory meetings with top clients as soon as possible. The key to this step is demonstrating the bond the buyer and seller have made up to this point. If your clients see the trust you have in us, they will likely be receptive to the change.
Step 2: Client Integration
During a second meeting with clients we complete a full fact finder to obtain a more thorough understanding of each client’s financial goals and current portfolio. We also introduce them to our services and use this opportunity to give them an even higher comfort level in our firm. We let them know of our bi-annual client appreciation events which not only allow us to get to know our clients better, but also for our clients to connect with one another and have fun. We look to this as the start of another strong client relationship!
Step 3: Client Retention
In our minds, the true test of a successful business transition is client retention. Once your clients have been integrated in our practice and have grown to trust us, we know we have done it right. Rest assured, we will always have your clients’ best interests and financial goals at the forefront of our decisions.